
Monday, March 19, 2012

Resolution: Un-Pareto my Wardrobe

My wardrobe is bursting at the seams. Apart from the actual wardrobe in my bedroom, I have some space in Mr G's (don't tell him), one in a storage space, a chest of drawers (for underwear), various boxes below the bed (neatly separated into categories) - not to mention whatever is left in my wardrobe in my parents' house. 

My dream is a walk-in wardrobe. Colour-coordinated racks and shelves. No, category first, then colour! a floor to ceiling mirror that doesn't need propping up against Mr. G's wardrobe. Deep-pile carpet... 

...Or maybe I'd be happy with just a bit more space and one of those mega-organized Ikea numbers... 

Anyway, I am sure there are people, who have way more clothing, shoes and accessories to accommodate, especially since I have actually already gotten rid of lots over the past few years. The issue here really is that I can apply the Pareto principle to my clothes: for 80% of the time, I wear only 20% of what my wardrobe has to offer. And within those 80% there have got to be items, that haven't been worn for years but that I just can't bare to part with.

My resolution is therefore to either wear it or get rid! If I want to hold on to something, I have to wear it at least once, then decide whether I would wear it again or donate it to friends/charity/... And since I am also documenting regularly what I do wear when I leave the house, this could be interesting...


  1. They're amazing wardrobes, a girl can dream eh? I have way too much clothes I don't wear aswell. Must try sort it out. Good luck with your clothes!x

  2. I know, shouldn't relaly buy anything new but then every new season gets me so excited!
