
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Filofax - This Didn't Work

This post was scheduled to go live tonight. Coming home from a day out today with Mr. G and little M. we were involved in an accident that could have been fatal, had I not been lucky enough to to see the oncoming vehicle in time and pull into a hedge. The other driver was not so lucky, swerved off the road and into a tree and I have no idea in which state he is right now. My point really: Sometimes coincidences change your life. Things that seem like a mistake work out for the better. Things that are going as per "the plan" lead you onto a path that might not have a happy outcome. All that I can take from that right now is to be thankful for whatever circumstance let us escape this situation, which could have so easily turned nasty. And I think I'll be thankful for that every day for quite some time.

I wasn't going to film the state of this setup. And then after I did and skipped through the clip (still don't really watch myself back on film), I was just going to delete it. All I could see was
  1. My messy handwriting
  2. My not very artistic layouts (quite offensive for somebody who likes aesthetically pleasing things)
  3. Inserts that are lovely but have just stopped working for me - mainly because of how I combined them
However, thinking about all of the above I thought that somebody might actually find this useful. It will certainly show you what didn't work for me and also why. The inserts are lovely and would probably work in a different combination or situation - links to them below! 

This is where the various bits and bobs are from:


  1. Good to know you and your family are safe!!! Keep on trekking.

    1. Thanks Brittney. Little M was quite oblivious and just found the 4 fire engines and 3 ambulances very exciting.

  2. Anonymous1:22 pm

    Glad you are safe. And there's nothing wrong with a messy planner. Those perfect looking ones only exist on Instagram posts (well, except mine!). It's who you are and your personality. I think your pages are real and effective and that's what makes a planner work!

    1. Thanks :) I'll never have a pretty and perfect one but I am still trying to get to one that "works" properly for me. I feel like too much unused space is just wasted paper I am carrying around...

  3. So much about planners is really a test of fit rather than quality. Perfectly fine inserts can work for one person and be a fail for another.

    1. Very true! And they might work at one time in your life and not at another time...

  4. Love the homemadekraft inserts, they're gorgeous! But you are absolutely right in saying that you have to figure out what works for you. Besides, it makes sense that different things will work for different parts and times of our lives - it's all about trial and error until something sticks! And then not being afraid to change it again when it starts to feel boring or ineffective...that ever elusive planner peace ;)
