
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Thank You!

It's less than half a year ago that I resurrected my blog. Yes, this one. Before then, it had been pretty much forgotten since the day I found out I was pregnant. That was so huge that I simply could not write anything without mentioning it - yet, I couldn't write about it until I had told my parents and friends. And once I was past that point, blogging seemed really... unimportant...

Then little M was born. Not only was I up to my elbows in nappies (it's not a figure of speech - you really are!), my heart was full of Mama hormones and my head of pretty much nothing else but how to survive on one hour of sleep each night.

My way back to my blog came via a combination of my love for Mulberry bags and finding a lovely community on Facbook, where we swapped hints and tips and after an impromptu video review of my vintage Mulberry Blenheim, I got lots of positive feedback and decided to carry on.

So I'd just like to say thank you to every single one who read my posts, watched my videos, liked my Facebook page or followed me on Instagram. Without the feedback, increase in page views and likes it would be so much less fun.

Thank you!

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