
Monday, December 21, 2015

Covet - Discipline

The year is coming to an end and that's usually a good time to take stock, evaluate and make new plans. I am not a big goal setter. I aim more to be happy in general. Try to let the niggles get to me less. And appreciate the little things that bring a smile to my face. 

However, new year's resolutions are pretty common even to people who normally don't do formal goal setting. Also, since I started using a journal/planner every day, I find I want to track more what I do and there is nothing quite like putting a big tick next to something you achieved. And if you regularly read my blog, you might have seen my resolutions that were supposed to give me a bit more time to do the stuff I love. So before I select a new set of goals for 2016, I thought I'd better have a look on how I did on these. (The very fact, that I need to look them up, is a big clue. Hm.)

1. Get up 10 minutes earlier every morning

Yeah right. If anything that's been worse. Due to coughs, colds and too late bedtimes (yes, we'll get to these later), I just haven't slept enough, which meant peeling myself out of bed was really hard. I feel really guilty though as little M needs some extra cuddles in the morning and if he doesn't get them is mega grumpy and not very cooperative. If he gets a few minutes of me for a chat and a cuddle, he is happy enough to get ready and get going. As I am due to start a new job in the new year, I have the best motivation to get this sorted though. So much nicer not having to run for the train and getting to the office a bit less dishevelled. 
Verdict: Fail

2. Get my Filofax sorted

Not only did I fully move into my DIYFish inserts, I used them for a couple of months in my Filofax and then moved into the same version of inserts but in Fieldnote sized booklets form for my Naked Cow Fauxori. I loved the size and bound pages so much that I am still in the Fauxdori but as I wanted something with more flexibility I am now using a Bullet Journal system.
So in a way I did get my Filofax sorted.  However, I have also ordered a full Traveller's Notebook sized van der Spek Nomad. I intend to use it for work and collections - but it may well throw a spanner into my recently achieved "planner peace".
Verdict: (temporary) Pass

3. Go to bed earlier, aim to be tucked in by 23:00

Yes. Right. I don't know how other people are doing it but by the time little M is in bed and we have eaten (huge thanks here to Mr G, who does all the cooking), it's around 21:00. I then try to do all my blogging, reading, bujo admin, online shopping etc and before I know it it's 23:00. I just want to do one more thing and before I know it, it's 23:40 - and then I end up going to bed after midnight. 
Verdict: Big Fat Fail

4. Use commuting time more efficiently

Hit and miss. Usually miss. Firstly, I need to have a seat and space to move my arms to get my diary out of my bag. Secondly, I need to be awake. Not going to bed early enough and running around like an idiot in the morning to catch that train usually means my brain is taking some time out before we reach the office and/or I douse it in caffeine.
Verdict: Fail

5. Make proper plans for the weekend

Whilst we haven't been out every weekend, I have managed to do some fun things with little M. He hugely enjoyed cutting apples for the apple compote I made. Or watching an old Disney movie whilst snuggling up to me. Point is: I have made a conscious effort to spend quality time with him and whilst I will always wish there was more of it, I am happy with where we are so far.
Verdict: Pass

Total score: (just about) 2/5

Ok. Not great. I think the main aim has got to be get a better balance in terms of sleep and "stuff to do in the evening". Theoretically that should help me with 1, 3 and 4!

Do you set goals? Or make new year's resolutions? Let me know. :)

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