
Thursday, March 08, 2012

Marni Aftermath

Now the party's over
I'm so tired
Then I see you coming
Out of nowhere...

So how what happened after the party was over? Had the samba taken me? Was it love at fist sight? Did we kiss in the pool?

Well, it was more like a realistic love. The kind of love that has to grow. Some items had looked better in the morning's frenzy, some others though, were nice and then nicer and nicer... and I know I will love them more every time I'm wearing them. The show-and-tell at home, however, did not go that well as Mr. G was not so much on board with the Marni-fondness. Maybe I should have taken the clue in the lack of straight men queuing this morning (tracksuit-wearing shopper's companion excluded).  

[**Disclaimer: Mr. G did just did get offended that I labelled him as "straight". He is secretly very proud to be the gayest straight man I know and "gets" many fashion-y things that average straight men don't.**]

I shall include his comments with mine right next to the items. That should make things clear.

So, let's start at the beginning - this was my original shopping list:

In store I tried on and dismissed:
  • Blue sleeveless coat >> too wide on me, material way more flimsy than I imagined
  • Coat >> also too wide and no closure, which is a must-have for outerwear for me
  • Pink & gold skirt >> material too stiff, bit too long
  • Green patterned skirt >> just "ok"

This is what I brought home (yes, I know, more than on my shopping list):

So we came to the trying-on bit then. One by one I put on the items, wandering down to the kitchen, where Mr. G was prepping the dinner. And this was my - and Mr. G's - verdict:
[Please note that, for sake of focusing on the important items, I paired the items with plain tops/leggins. This is not how I would wear them!]

Hm. Not sure about the colour. Also a bit too wide. Worried that the sleeves snag really easily. Nice but not in love.
Mr. G: Just not you. Bit too 70's. Well, actually reminds me of the last 70's revival we had. 
The colour washes you out. Meh.

I love this. The colour, the ruffles, the fine knit. 100% Merino and supersoft. Zip at the front. KEEP!
Mr. G: Don't think I like it. Court Jester, yet dull. Don't like the colour. I like green but green shouldn't be worn, it should be on trees!

Lovely silk. Quirky pattern that didn't work on my top half (hate to admit it, but he's right about the colour washing me out) is nice here. Good fit. KEEP
Mr. G: Not as bad as when you wore that top. The seam is terrible [cuts across pattern]. 
Dull, dull.

Lovely silky. Nice fit, somewhere between relaxed and fitted. Love the difference between pattern front & back. Quirky seams. WLT KEEP
Mr. G: More court jester. Don't like the ties in the back. Dull. It's quite a feat how they managed to make so much colour look so dull.

Hm. Bit too loose on me. Just a bit sack-like. Lovely material. Don't quite get how the ties around the neck should work.
Mr. G: Terrible. Reminds me of a nurse's outfit.

Just love it. Can so see myself wearing this in the summer. KEEP!
Mr. G: This is the best out of the whole lot so far. You really like it, don't you? Then it doesn't matter what I think!

Skirt & Jacket
Really like this. Reminds me of Kim Novak in Vertigo (I know, the suit was grey and I am actually talking more about a feel rather than the exact look, IYSWIM). Anyway. Did I say that I like this? Retro. Wearable. Versatile. KEEP.
Mr. G: Oh God. That just reminds me of something Margaret Thatcher would have worn. I hate it!

Maybe he will warm to it? Maybe I need to do some serious up-styling. Oh, not to forget the accessories:

I will not go through these in detail though. They are kind of no-brainers and I also haven't managed to get a great picture of them.

Anywhere, there we have it. Clearly a taste gap between my better half and myself.

Yes the picture's changing
Every moment
And your destination
You don't know it

Exactly, Bryan.

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